Sep 8, 2011

A Day in the Life of a Cute Kitten

Pixel is a little kitten with a big, exciting life. Her day is full of all kinds of fabulous things that kittens do, and this video is the perfect way to show it!

I watched the whole thing with a huge smile on my face. Pixel's day just made me so happy! I'm sure you'll think it's just as cute as I do!

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NOTE FROM CUTE: Yes, the food bowl looks dirty, but I don't think it's days-old food mess. I'm sure you've all seen kittens DESTROY wet food before... there's no way it's not going to be all over the bowl when they're done. From the looks of the super cleanliness of the rest of the house, I'm assuming this is just Pixel having fun making a mess of her food. :)


  1. My brain has been completely overloaded by the cuteness. 

  2. Such a cutie, that little one sure made us smile too!

  3. Wonderful kitten!  Seriously filthy food bowl - not good!

  4. Awwwdorable x 24 (hours, that is!), and so very cute!!! Tabby ears and tail -- and apparently chin, too! -- and all the rest white as a clean sheet of paper!

  5. OMC THIS IS TOO DARLING! i have way too many favorite parts! love how you can see what's goign on outside the window too! The beginning when she is asleep over the sofa back is too cute...and when she is getting loving at the end. aw!

  6. Mom splorted from the cute....

  7. ohhh - mom is drooling.  She says dat is the cutest kitten ever and she wants it.  

  8. I love it! I too have a little "ankle rubber"! It's just the cutest!

  9. CatLadyDiarydot TumblrdotcomSeptember 8, 2011 at 12:46 PM

    That was beautiful!!

  10. This has certainly made by day its just beautiful, lovely and you can only smile !

  11. Oh, to be a kitten!

  12. Such a cute kitten  too bad it is fed out of a FILTHY food bowl

  13. Love the video. I have 3 older cats, that I have adopted. It seems like the cute little ones get adoppted first. If any one is considering adopting, please don't forget the older ones. They have had a tough life and need some TLC in their older years. Of courses I love them all/

  14. Super cute!  Great idea too.

  15. Loved watching little Pixel's day!! She is gorgeous!! At the end when she is being stroked, she looks like she is about to doze off to sleep after her big day of exploring and running around like a crazy cat. 

  16. I noticed the bowl also; let's hope it is the end of the day & it will be washed soon!! I am sure this baby is well looked after, and the polished boards (floor) is shinier than mine (with 6 fur-balls dropping hair constantly!!)

  17. Adorable kitten. BUT pleeeeease change and clean that revolting food dish! It also looks like a plastic dish...keep in mind that plastic can harbour harmful it's best to have glass or ceramic or stainless steel bowls, for water, too. 
    Change water and food dishes every day. That bowl hadn't been changed in a while. Poor kitty...

  18. Very nice video...But the kitty's food dish is really filthy...bacteria...bacteria..How would you like to be fed out of a dirty dish ????

  19. What an absolutely beatuiful & engaging kitty. They are wonderful when they are small. But precious when they get older & settle in. Love this!


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