Nov 11, 2011

Cat Figures Out Water Cooler

Zack the cat is a genius! He knows exactly how to use the water cooler to get fresh, cool, delicious water whenever he wants it.

All he has to do his use his paw to press down on the little lever... and tada! Instant kitty water fountain!


  1. Harumph. Smarter to make the HUMANS get it for you!

  2. That's a great trick.  But I think it could lead to a disaster!

  3. I bet a LOT that he is a Maine Coon or MC mix.  I have a MC mix foster who comes running at the sound of the glug, glug of the water cooler, who will escort me to the water cooler if she thinks her bowl needs refilling, and who will paw the floor around her bowl while she drinks.

  4. What a beautiful kitty and so smart! He oughta be in movies!!

  5. That is a really smart kitty for sure. 

  6. Big beautiful boy!  Would love him and he could have gotten fresh water for my little girl at her slightest command and my silver tabby.  Would have saved me extra steps.   I just think that I would do some creative protection for long periods of time to avoid 18L of water on the floor.  LOL  He's really a gorgeous specimen and yes, could be Maine Coon or a Forest Cat.


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