Dec 19, 2011

A Kitten in the Hand is Worth...

A kitten in the hand is worth... at least what? Like a squillion dollars? Elebenty in a bush?

P.S. Don't forget tomorrow is the last day to donate to Santa Paws Drive!

P.P.S. We're having an informal fun party on Twitter tonight to celebrate our success and thank everyone who has supported us and donated! From 7-9pm Eastern search hashtag #santapawsdrive -- lots of prizes, the elves will be present, and lots of fun!


  1. That kitten looked like she was dreaming of swimming! 

    Is the twitter party 7pm Eastern?

  2. That is just too cute - wonder what the kitten is dreaming about LOLOLOL

  3. How awwwdorable!!! Mmmaybe the kitten was dreaming about swimming after fish, which it caught and mmmmm!!!

  4. Oh, I just melted from cute. What a sweet baby!

  5. OMG that is priceless!!! he is running and playing in his dreams! I want to kiss that belly!!!!

  6. Yes! 7pm Eastern. I'll change it up in the blog, too. Thanks for asking!

  7. So happy you made your target for Santa Paws!  Great work.
    BoBo video is of course, darling!

  8. He looks so cuddly and tiny! I love how his tongue sticks out xD

    ~ Kieli ~


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