Jan 17, 2012

Two Cats Tuesday: Pimp in His Throne

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Today Pimp wants to show you his chair. Make no mistake: This is HIS chair. It's been his chair for probably 10 years now. This chair has not seen a human butt (except by accident if someone tries to sit in it first before I warn them) in almost a decade.

Pimp's throne is a papasan chair I got from Pier 1 Imports a long, long time ago. I have thought about getting rid of it more times than I can count, but in the end, it always stays. As do the stuffed animals in it.

How could you throw out something so comfy?!

I like to think I could go on record saying this is the world's biggest cat bed. It's a monstrosity that hasn't really fit in my home for years. And yet, because Pimp likes it, it stays.

He'll go through phases where he "forgets" about it, but this is just some kind of crazy cat ploy to get my hopes up about getting rid of it. Because just like the sun rises in the east and a cat stinks up the litter box as soon as you walk in the front door, Pimp snuggles right back in the darn thing the night before I'm ready to take it to the dumpster. Every. Single. Time.

He has stuffed animals in there that he likes to cuddle with, which I also can't get rid of. There's a Taco Bell dog that says, "Yo quiero Taco Bell," when you squeeze it, a turkey from who knows what, and I'm pretty sure there's one other stuffed thing in there -- but it's such a mess of cat hair on all of them that I can't honestly recall without looking at it. (See above about why no human butt ever sits in this chair. I'm telling you; it's beyond repair.)

Snugglin' with my turkey's leg.

But that. That face! How could I get rid of his chair? Nope, no way. And so the darn thing stays, taking up way too much space. It's the oldest piece of furniture I own, and if Pimp has anything to say about it, it's not going anywhere soon.


  1. Awww that looks so comfy and cozy, and he has it all to himself! You the man!!

  2. Awww... Pimp is enthroned there, so how could anyone want to be rid of such a special piece of furniture?!

  3. ha ha - We think you are stuck with the chair - forever - cuz it looks so comfy.

  4. My Foxy also reigns from her throne (and heaven forbid anyone mistakenly sit in it)

  5. I have a chair also that only the cats use.  They don't sit in its seat but up on the top of the back cushon. I bought it when we first moved to Fl. & the cats claimed it as theirs right away!  Even though all my NY kitties are at the Bridge my Fl. kitties possess it now like they did too!

  6. We need just one more photo. We all believe you that the thing is huge, but just one more photo for the pure spectacle!

  7. I completely understand. I have an ugly chair that my cat Lilly scratches on.  It's the only piece of furniture she scratches, and for that reason, it stays.  Visitors are horrified that I "allow" her to do it, but how do you explain that to someone who has no cats?

  8. LOL, she almost disappears in that chair (which is probably why she likes it so much)!

  9. Oh, you're right, Jennifer! I don't have one handy of his chair specifically, but here's the one on the site: http://www.pier1.com/Catalog/Furniture/tabid/981/CategoryId/158/ProductId/567/ProductName/Papasan-Chair-Frame--Brown/language/en-US/Default.aspx

    You can see the dimensions... 45-inch diameter! That's almost 4 feet round! MOL!

    And this is not me in the chair, but here's one with a person in it for size reference. :) http://homescape.honoluluadvertiser.com/august07/images/rare_papasan_b.jpg

  10. Nothing....NOTHING....warms my cockles more than a loved and spolied cat!!!
    X's & O's

  11. That's spoiled! 8-)

  12. Sweet little lover!! and what a comfy chair, wow would my kitty love that!! xo

  13. A favorite spot is comforting, and heavenly.  My kitty krew; Lili, Luci, and Mimi have their favorite spots.  Kitties claim ownership early on and that is just the way it is.

  14. Have you considered getting him a replacement chair that he could adopt?  We just bought our cats a double cat bed that they love -- in fact they love it so much we had to keep it at home and buy another for them to use on the boat, the original intention.

  15. There isn't a piece of furniture in my house that doesn't belong to the cats. Do you think they are in charge?? Of course they are. What is the use of having these cute kitties if we don't work for them. That chair really does look comfy. Take care

  16. Go, Pimp!  You've got Cute wrapped around your little claw!

  17. I have a chair that used to belong to my Grandma. I got it as a hand-me-down when I moved to KC. Sebastian LOVES it. We just bought a new loveseat to replace it, but guess what? The chair is staying. Because Seb loves it. We're going to be cramped in our little apartment living room, but it's worth it for our kitty!


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