Apr 29, 2012

Baby Lamb Bouncing Around the Living Room

Boing boing goes the baby lamb! It's like he's got a built in trampoline inside him. He's calm for a few seconds, then all of the sudden he starts with a bunch of boings!

This bouncing lamb is one of a pair being bottle-fed and raised by a woman in Arizona. She also has two camels, a doberman, a German Shepard and some geese, I think. Sounds like an adorable place!

BONUS CUTE: A baby lamb bouncing on a bed!

NOTE FROM CUTE: Tomorrow is my birthday! Come on by to party! :)


  1. Yay  I can JUMP! trying out my legs!!!! woo hoo!

  2. Not only is the baby Lamb extra cute and bouncy, but these girls have  LAMBS in their living room! lol Who needs a farm when you have an apt! teehee

  3. lol! ten!! definitely off the cute scale!

  4. Like Jim the goat!
    Can't wait for the party. Will there be apples?

  5. That is one cute lamb. It is so much fun to watch them play like that. We will be back for  the birthday parteee. 

  6. Awww... So much energy, so much cute!!! I almost feel guilty for eating lamb for dinner tonight. :-S

  7. super sweet and funny!!

  8. I wonder how goats and lambs would play together, that is super cute, had to watch 3 times.

  9. Happy birthday to your mom Dorian and do you think she would like/love to have one of baby lambs? Or a wee goat? Don't think the lamb would do so much damage and she'd still have clothing and/or furniture left - LOL These little ones are just so sweet, and they would be a great pair with the 2 new kids, Bruce and..Clarence. Fun stuff.

  10. Had to watch again and again. That one in particular is just full of beans and I'd be rolling on the floor laughing too. Maybe it got into catnip?


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