Jun 18, 2012

Silly Cat Alarm Clock

I complain about Moo waking me up, but Moo's got nothing on Boo here in this video. Boo has mastered the art of boinging the doorstop behind the door... from under the other side of the door.

He reaches under, finds it with his paw, gives it a little tug -- and releases it to make what I'm sure is a joyous noise first thing in the morning.

And I bet it works. Every. Single. Time.

Thanks to Cute's friend, Lori, from Hill's Pet Nutrition for sharing this cute cat alarm clock video! She's good people. :)

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  1. Pester power. That's a smart cat :)

  2. Omg that is just too precious! gotta love the smart ones even though they have more pester power!

  3. My Mommeh would remove that doorstop in about 30 seconds! 

  4. Very funny......and so cute!   Love Boo!....he's a smart
    kitty!!    <3

  5. That is HILARIOUS!  I'd want to kill that cat if I was sleeping in, but it is sure funny to watch!!  He sorts looks like Hobbes, doesn't he??!

  6. that guy totally deserved that for locking kitty out and nudging him in  the face with his foot!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. He is just saying "Let me in, NOW!"

  8. The publicist says she would get a different door stop

  9. I laughed my head off over this!  If it is so annoying to him/them, then remove the stop or use another type but personally I think he likes it that Boo is demanding so much attention.  OMC....!

  10.  I would do the same as your Mommeh. For sure.

  11. That was so funny!  It is something like ours would do if we had a door stop;well just Amber

  12. "Pester power" I love it. It's pester power to a "T"
    My 4 find all sorts of ways to annoy me to get attention/a meal, but this.....this is WAY stinkin' cute!!

  13. Hehe. It's cute to watch the video... I'm not sure how cute it would be if it was actually us every morning! ;) Kitty is smart!

  14. Don't they have ones that don't boiiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggg? I'd have that one, too.

  15. I bet he just did it for the video, but yes... totally! :)

  16. I could see any of my gang doing that if I had those doorstops.
    So very cute !!!!


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