Jul 30, 2012

Sugar Glider Enjoys a Snack

Oh, you don't know what a sugar glider is? You're totally missing out! It's only one of the cutest animals I've ever seen.

The sugar glider (yes, I had to look it up) is actually a small gliding possum. It's native to Australia and glides through the air, a lot like a flying squirrel.

Also, it's looks ridiculously adorable when it eats.

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  1. Isn't this the cutest damned little thing going?  Wee baby!

  2. It's funny but so cute!!  And look at the nails!!!

  3. I had a roommate many, many years ago that had one. They are nocturnal and sometimes very noisy! Whenever the cats went near the cage, Sugar G would bark like a dog at them! lol

  4. bahahaaha bahahahah "wassup doc!" LOLOLOL!!!!

  5. Much like Rocky the flying squirrel, this sugar glider flies through the
    air with the greatest of ease!!! And it's so very cute, too!!!

  6. It looks like it is half bat. Very cute

  7. It's following my grandmother's dictate to chew its food 50 times before swallowing....

  8. This really cracked me!!! Just the sound of it smackin' it's little lips is stinkin' cute!!

  9. Tried to watch but it says that "video is set to private". :(

  10. Oh noes! They must have changed the settings. Darn. It is such a cute video, too! I'll see if I can find another version somewhere.

    Thanks for letting me know!


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