Sep 18, 2012

Two Cats Tuesday: Pimp's Fort

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Today Pimp wants to show you where he hangs out all. the. time. Like 60% of the day probably.

This is his home base and his safe spot from that little cow-cat monster brother of his, Moo. For some reason, Moo leaves him alone when he's down here.

It's under my papasan chair!

I'm safe under here! (And cute.)
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  1. Pimp looks absolutely beautiful there - comfortable and safe for interruptions. I sincerely wish I could join him right about now. Moo, you just leave him alone there. My two fosters have their safe places too especially when someone strange comes in.

  2. Hi Pimp....good spot you have there!!! You are so handsome!!
    Of course, Moo you are handsome too!!! Love u both!

  3. I see Pimp has his favorite NFL team, too...

  4. The publicist read the title as Pimp's FOOT and was wondering where the foot was....silly publicist!

  5. Yes, he does! And Moo wears our favorite college team, the Gators! :)

  6. Silly publicist... Although Pimp's feet are VERY cute, you know.

  7. He does NOT look amused :)

  8. Your papasan chair? *hehe* Sounds like Pimp has claimed the chair and under it!

  9. most awesome fort. not every fort has moo shields.

  10. My first impression as well! But he's cute anyway.


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