May 21, 2013

Two Cats Tuesday: A Box in Moo's Not-Box and My Two Favorite Kittens from #BlogPaws!

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Today Moo has breaking news from his not-box... Just when he thought things couldn't get any better, there is now a real box inside his not-box!

I have a box IN my not box! And Pimp is not in my box or my not-box.
You're not taking a picture of us, are you, Mom? We can't be caught doing this...
Moo is seriously so silly about his not-box and his box. He spends tons of time in there. I wonder if we can get rid of either one ever?

Last night, the BF tried to break down the box in side Moo's not-box and I quickly stopped him. What in the world was he thinking?!

Cute kittens!
And now on to the cutest part of the BlogPaws conference... There were kittens! I had to go seek them out a few times a day just to get my kitten fix, of course.

First, meet Odilia. She is from the Tails from the Foster Kittens blog. She is blind and was born with no eyes. But not to worry! She has no idea she is supposed to see, so she is perfect as can be! And adorable. Ridiculously adorable.

Me and Odilia. She was one of the highlights of the conference!
And then there was Triscuit. This little nugget is from the Random Felines blog. She had the round little kitten belly that kittens tend to have, and she was just the sweetest baby! She attended sessions and spent her time walking around on a leash.

Just precious! Way too precious.

Triscuit. I wanted to eat her up.
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  1. That Triscuit sure made the rounds. Guess what? The publicist is going to BlogPaws next year! She is excited!

  2. Those kittens are purrfect. Yeah Cats 101 says cats love boxes, glad your boyfriend has now learned that lesson., But since he took care of Pimp and Moo while you were at the conference he is pawesome anyway!

  3. Glad you had a fabulous time at the Blog Paws and your BF looked after Pimp and Moo very well, plus learning his lesson about 'do not even think of breaking boxes down' LOL Moo looks so cute in there and Pimp seems very curious but soft beds are his 'thing'.

  4. Men just don't understand a cat's need for a box!!!

  5. Cute babies. <3
    Is Pimp ok? He looks so thin. I hope so! I'm a little worried.

  6. Moo! We're so glad you got a real box for your not-box!

    And the mom says she loved meeting you, Miss Dorian. Though we're not to happy that she cheated on us with Odilia and Triscuit.

  7. I was there with Buster the fabric cat. He was very good. I sure was great to see some live kitties at the Paws, though.


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