Feb 26, 2014

Slow-Motion Epic Kitty Fight Scene!

It's tabby versus tuxie in one of the most epic, entertaining, I'd say "cute" even, fight scenes, slowed down at just the right moments to make sure you catch all the exciting paw-by-paw action! High-flying, body-flinging, somersaulting fun!

Just one thing: That cat in the background... How can he sleep through all this excitement?!

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  1. Ha! I love it. This was a classic kitty fight scene.

  2. Very funny! The cat in the background is probably like "thank goodness they are leaving me alone!" ;)

  3. I do hope no kitty was hurt in this altercation. My goodness!

  4. LMAO!!! I loved the music lol

  5. The "battle" between the tabby and the tuxie was delightful.......the cat in the background could care less.

  6. they put the NFL to shame on tackles

  7. Cool video. The kitties are so cute!


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