Nov 9, 2009

How to Take a Cat Family Portrait

Anyone who's tried to take a picture of their pet knows how difficult (read: impossible) it can be to get a good shot. Plus, the more pets you have, the bigger the challenge becomes.

I know Halloween's come and gone, but this video was too funny not to post. I've so been here before... but I think his turned out great at the end!

*Special thanks to @Quadpawd from Cats Who Twitter for sharing this video!


  1. Very cute, but in all that time, they didn't get the laundry basket out of the way?

  2. It is funny that they had the laundry basket in the video.
    I guess if you took that much time to put the outfits on the cats & then try to get them all to sit still...I would have given up & took the pictures of 1 cat at a time & photoshopped them. ;)

  3. Well, I have a high-speed ADSL connection, and a fast computer...but this video spent so much time stopping and buffering that it got kind of ho-hum to watch.... Cute cats, but they should have just freeze-framed it a couple of times they actually had the 3...and used the freeze frame!

  4. That was a great video! I could only imagine how hard it would be to get a family pic of all of us!

  5. Oh yes, been there done that wif us dawgs - we gib mom such a hard time when she wants us all in a pikshur togedder with kostooms on BOL!

  6. OMG that was funny. I had tears from laughing so hard. I can just imagine trying to do that. I love the part where the yellow cat just lies down. That was really good.

  7. Thanks for the very best laugh!! "Herding cats" comes to mind....

  8. Hilarious - how many humans were harmed during the making of this film MOL?!?

  9. WOOF! LOL Thanks for sharing the video. My mom loves to take photos of me since I was little --- I am so use to it especially I get yummy treats. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  10. We agree with Pricilla!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  11. That was so funny! Pricilla is so right and I also wondered why they left the laundry basket in the background.

  12. VERY funny! I tried to get a halloween portrait with my cat Katie. Just Katie and me. Well, it was a disaster. I was wearing cat ears and Katie thought I was a giant cat cannibal. The portrait never happened. And oh, do I wish I had the whole drama on video!


  13. ROFL!! Most excellent snag, YDC!! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Apparently you CAN herd cats. It just takes patience and love. From the cats, I mean.


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