Mar 28, 2010

What Are You Laughing At?

This poor cat just can catch a break. First, he's complaining because there's a hole in his perch (clearly), and then when he goes to climb down... Well, geez... stop laughing at me!



  1. That poor kitty. He does have a loud meow. And he lets you know when he isn't happy, poor thing.

  2. Oh I just hate it when that happens...and the world is watching!

  3. oh the humanity! poor thing at the very end! my cats were staring at me like "what is that?!!?!" don't think they have ever heard a cat meow like that before. I felt bad for that cat - what a stupid perch with a hole in it! what were they thinking! I was impressed that he was able to get down after a bunch of complaining and inaction! LOL

  4. Poor kitty! He's adorable, but a bit of a complainer!

  5. OMG this cat looks like Snow White, so white and fur looks so clean, meow meow! :)

  6. Why did they put a hole in that ledge?? Poor cat--he's gonna kill himself! And that meow---yikes.

  7. At least he's not in one of those malevolent Japanese cat washing devices ...

  8. That cat has the loudest meow!! Very funny!

  9. Oh-oh... he's having a bad day for sure.

    *nosetaps* to him.... Max

  10. Someone needs a can of tuna!

  11. Sounds like a Siamese meow! Someone please check his collar, I think it's too tight!

  12. Yes, the poor baby doesn't have much of a chance getting down without falling through or in the hole.  Shouldn't be on the top perch - the hole should be on one of the others to climb through.  He does sound every bit like my Miss Tique who was Siamese but never really spoke true 'Siamese' until she went almost completely deaf and I suppose it was because she couldn't hear herself.  Good luck to this baby!!@

  13. How dare you laugh and put a hole in my beautiful scratching post/pole!  Not fair at all.  He's crying for help....


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