May 12, 2010

The Beach has Gone to the Dogs!

...or, better yet, the dogs have gone to the beach!

This video is the second one by this group that has made it on the Cute, and they are so much fun! It's made by a dog school who trains their doggies and then films them doing all fabulous videos like this one which features a whole herd of adorable dogs' day at the beach.

If you like this one, check out the other one we featured around Christmastime where dogs decorate a Christmas tree!


  1. I have the Sweet Blog Award for you on my blog!

  2. AHHHH! This video is so fun!

  3. That was one fantastic video. I really enjoyed that. I smiled through the whole thing. I hope they do some more videos. Those dogs are so good.

  4. That's pawsome, I'm using it in my next newsletter!

  5. That was great!! That must have taken some real training!!!


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