Jun 20, 2010

All Aboard the Cat Express!

Before we get started, Happy Father's Day to all the cat and dog daddies out there!

Today's Cute is a quick one, but just kind of silly. Has anyone ever noticed that all the Japanese Youtube cats are extra adorable and seem to have all the best and cutest toys? It's true. Think of Maru or Mumu...

This kitty is no exception! Where does one get a cat bus box like that?!?


  1. Obviously it wasn't a TOYOTA!!!


    Not signed into Blogger but this is caren gittleman aka "Cat Chat Caren" http://opcatchat.blogspot.com

  2. Honk honk!! I want one of those, too!

  3. I agree, just where do you get one of those??? Happy Father's Day to Dads everywhere!!!

  4. The cat bus box is a toy version of a Yamato delivery truck (they're like a Japanese UPS), and the momma cat carrying the baby in her mouth is their logo. Darling, huh.

  5. Hahaha, the white cat even looks Japanese, with his/her slanted eyes :-)

  6. It's so true about Japanese cats. They make them extra round and stubby over there, I think.

    I like how the white cat is just chilling, like, "Yeah, I may take a ride on that bus later, if I feel like it."

  7. Lazy cat! Does it really need to ride?


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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