Jul 10, 2010

Jiggling Cat

I know it's Caturday and all the kitties should be relaxing... but some cats are so determined to keep their feline figures that they can't take a single day off their exercise routines.

Like this cat, who is jiggling along on his iGallup machine. (I didn't know what one was either, so I checked and found it here. Interesting.) I'm not sure if he likes it or not, but I don't know if his human would like it much either! Haha.


  1. Those iGallup machines are expensive! My human says she would rather spend that type of money on a series of Pilates classes instead of some dumb contraption. And after seeing the facial expression on the kitty in the video, I am perfectly fine with that.

  2. That's an exercise addict, right there. Might be time for an intervention. :)

  3. I think he likes it, otherwise he'd just jump off.

  4. Hmmm maybe I should get one for PETIE?

  5. hysterical! I wonder if Suzanne Somers will start selling it!!! MOL!!!!!

    Cat Chat http://opcatchat.blogspot.com

  6. That's pretty funny! I don't know if I would like it or not, but I'd probably give it a try!

  7. That is funny looking and why does the cat stay on it?? Our Mom would really look funny sitting on that contraption. What a good chuckle that would be.
    Have a great week end.

  8. I think he found a nice perch and is just riding the wave to not give up being on top of the world.

  9. Poor kitty - doesn't look happy - stoopid human who put him there!

  10. ahahaha  how do I get off this thing???


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