Aug 7, 2010

High-Five Kitty!

This cat gives high fives... How cool is that? I would like to watch some sports games with her and we can high-five every time our team does something good!

Watching the video, I'm pretty sure they've clicker-trained her. I know you see that a lot with dogs, but I've never seen it done with cats.

Way to go, kitty! *high five*


  1. how cute! yes, the woman is using a clicker - very cool! I have been thinking bout trying clicker training my cat - tho so far I have only thought about it lol

  2. Oh datz so amazing! I don't know if I could do it. Although I'll do anything for a treat. Purrs. Signed: Smokey8 fr Twitter

  3. *mumbling* like anyone could make me do anything to a click... I'll give YOU a click if you try, Rumblemum.... *mumble mumble*

  4. I learned how to High Five with clicker training, too. I am not as good as Darjeeling. Still, ever since I learned I get treats for raising my paw, I am forever waving my paw in the air when I see treats.

  5. That is interesting, the clicker training. I have read somewhere about people that do train their cats with a clicker. Daisy, we need a video of you waving your paw for treats.
    Have a great week end.

  6. i love her name to Darjeeling!

    omg Daisy - that's so cutes!

  7. I am sure the Farm cats would just run the publicist over to get to the treats....

  8. Daisy - that is really cool that you do that! No wonder you always have a paw up in a lot of your modeling pictures... ;)

  9. Daisy - that is really cool that you do that! No wonder you always have a paw up in a lot of your modeling pictures... ;)


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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