Aug 20, 2010

Simon's Cat in "The Box"

Whoo hoo! A new Simon's Cat! Every time a new Simon's Cat video comes out, I get so happy. They're always the best!

And this one is no different... The cat, you see, found a box. And cat-box cuteness ensues.

Big thanks to Cute's friend, Jamie, for the tip on the new Simon's Cat!


  1. hehe I love Simon's cat! good choice :D

  2. hehe (Jamie here!) Glad I could make your cute search easy last night :)

  3. Gotta love that Simon, he is such a cool dude!

  4. That had me in stitches. Cutest thing I have seen in a long time.

  5. Fun fun fun fun fun!

  6. I was hooked from the very first episode of Simons Cat! So fun to and entertaining...just like our cats! :) This one was purrfect!!!

  7. That was the best. Had Mom laughing out loud. Simons Cat is so good. Thanks for the smile.

  8. I LOVE those!! He just gets cats, doesn't he??

  9. I'm still laughing and crying only because it reminds me of what Taylor does all the time!

  10. Simon amazes me with how he captures the nuances of cats...including their sounds!

    Cat Chat

  11. hehe (Jamie here!) Glad I could make your cute search easy last night :)

  12. If nothing else going on in the world makes me giggle, laugh out loud, it is Simon's cat cartoons.  He is so perfect in all his intonations and the actions displayed.  I remember I had 5 Siamese bad boys who had not gone to new homes and they actually got up on a glass shelf in the bedroom, above the dresser and mirror and cleaned off several ornaments.  Couldn't cry because they were so bad, so funny.  They did the same thing with a couple going up the outside of the drapes and others going up the inside.  Reason I never had sheers and only lined drapes!  Simon is just too realistic with these cartoons and I doubt if his own cat can be that 'bad', but actually funny.


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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