Aug 17, 2010

Two Cats Tuesday: Things Are Looking Up!

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads!

Well, these past couple days have been a little crazy in the world of the Queen of Cute. Sunday night my purse was stolen, Monday I had to deal with getting a new phone (they stole my iPhone with it!) and credit cards... No fun!

So Pimp and Moo figured that things can only get better from here -- so they're looking up! Things are going to be looking up soon!

Hello up there! I'm looking UP and sticking my paw OUT. Don't I have long, handsome legs?

I'm looking up, too! But my paws are not quite so long... But I do have spots Pimp doesn't have!

Here's looking forward to a great rest of the week... It certainly can't get any worse! :)


  1. Oh, Queen of Cute, so sorry to hear about your sucky week. Listen to wise Pimp and kind Moo - things will definitely be looking up for you now. Sending you many blessings.

  2. aww - kitties have the right idea! And yes, Pimp, you do have fabulous long, handsome legs. And Moo, I love your cute legs too! (and spots are always good!)

  3. OMG I am so sorry about what happened that is awful. Thankfully those things can be replaced, we can't replace YOU!!

    Please be safe! Sending you hugs!!!

    Cat Chat

  4. We had a real bad last week, too! So I think this week is going to be extra good!

  5. Margaret in MichiganAugust 17, 2010 at 7:11 AM

    Sorry you went through that, glad we have our furry friends to comfort us at those times! Hope things look up soon!! God Bless Margaret in Michigan

  6. So sorry about you losing your purse ~ what a hassle! Good thing Moo and Pimp are there to cheer you up! :)

    Hope the rest of your week is terrific!
    xo Catherine

  7. Gosh that is awful. Sure glad you hear you have such a good attitude and that those two handsome boys are making you feel better. Like someone else said, glad you are all right. And hope things do get better for you. Have a better day.

  8. Oh noes! That is so furry wrong that some kreepy hooman taked your stuffs and your I-Bone! I would has to put the bitey on them if I catched them.

  9. Oh how aggravating. I am very sorry.
    I swear some people should be locked up with a bunch of angry...cats ;)

    Great photos.

  10. That stinks that your purse was stolen and that you have to have all your stuff replaced now! We hope it isn't too much of a hassle!

    And Pimp and Moo - we think you are smart to be looking up! And you are both very cute doing it!

  11. My human thinks it totally sucks what you have to go through! Her purse got snatched once, but it was in the olden days before cell phones. She did have to cancel some credit cards, though. Keeping a positive attitude, though, is a great idea!

  12. I am so sorry to hear that happened to you! Hey, my Dad's late Grandma always used to say "they told me to cheer up, things could be worse. I cheered up and sure enough, things got worse." Careful what ya wish fur huh?

  13. Aw, that just stinks!! But at least you can look at the sweet faces of Pimp and Moo and smile.

  14. as long as our kids are safe and fed, everything will be OK.

  15. I am so sorry to hear that happened to you! Hey, my Dad's late Grandma always used to say "they told me to cheer up, things could be worse. I cheered up and sure enough, things got worse." Careful what ya wish fur huh?

  16. Sorry you went through that, glad we have our furry friends to comfort us at those times! Hope things look up soon!! God Bless Margaret in Michigan

  17. Just too cute!  Certainly not the balcony.....makes my heart jump.  Used to put mine on a harness and leash, with a sun hat


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