Nov 1, 2010

Ever Feel Like Sleeping in on a Monday?

Sometimes Monday are just kind of something you'd rather sleep through. One minute it's Sunday and you're all zzzzz... and then then next, the weekend's gone and you want just one more day!

Well, for those of us who just aren't ready for Monday yet... here ya go. Let's all sleep in and nap like this kitty! Mondays would be much more fabulous, don't you think?

Bonus Cute: More sleepy kitties, please!


  1. The kitten version of an Andy Warhol movie...

  2. Cute, but about 1:20 longer than necessary...

  3. Now dat's what I call sound asleep. So cute.

  4. Loved the little tiny meow. Too cute.

  5. Awwww. I love that little belly!!

    Grace, Hobbes, and I all slept in on this Monday morning! I stayed home from work and the kitties were in hog heaven!

  6. Sweetest little love muffin ever.............

  7. Loved the little tiny meow. Too cute.

  8. Cute, but about 1:20 longer than necessary...

  9. Who would believe one could get so much pleasure from watching a beautiful little kitten asleep. Enchanting! People that are not passionate animal lovers would not get this, but it is just beautiful.


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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