I can only imagine how happy these few minutes of petting and caring made this sweet kitty. It looks like he was trying to soak up all that he could while he had the chance.
As I watched, I couldn't help but think back to The Meows and how special they were to me. Most people ignore cats like this, but the truth is, they could be the very best cats in the world -- and they deserve a little bit of the good life, too.
It also makes me think of Cute's good friend, BZTAT, who recently rescued Okey, a sweet cat from a parking lot. Okey just got her tests and was spayed yesterday, and now she's recovering safely and snuggly in BZTAT's art studio.
I like to think someone scooped the cat in this video up and gave him a home. I went through almost all the comments, plugging them in one by one into Google Translate, and almost all of them thanked the man for giving this baby some love. No word on a home, though. But that's what I'm going with.
I don't know about you, but I smiled the whole way through watching this. I hope you do, too.
Thank you for your kindness, sir.
ReplyDeleteI kinda feel like I understood the little guy's vocalizations pretty well - aside from the obvious. Hope he has a loving home now!
What a sweet baby. I wish I could give that kitty a big hug.
ReplyDeleteGeesh, that kitty can TALK! I had to turn the sound off because my two goofs were convinced there was an intruder in the house. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteThat is the mouthiest cat I've ever heard! lol It's so tempting to try to translate.
ReplyDeletei had to turn down the volume too! LOL! I was so happy the man approached him - i'm sure that loud meowing would have scared lots of people but he persisted, believing the kitty was sweet.
ReplyDeleteI love towards the end when the meowing becomes intermingled with purring-type sounds! and when he finally relaxes at the very very end.
He is definitely not people shy....surely someone gave him a home....
ReplyDeleteI love this! I laughed through it too! xoxo
ReplyDeleteI really hope someone gave him a home (and neutered him too) So sad to think of so much love walking around on dirty paws and with empty bellies, on the streets, at the mercy of Man"Kind". At least this man was kind-- I hope this kitty got a home!!!
My two cats came barreling up to the computer when I watched this. I know they thought there was another cat in the house. LOL.
ReplyDeleteI hope the change in settings from parking lot to someone's patio means that the kitty got taken home to be spoiled properly, as is his due. :-)
What a sweet cat! I have the feeling he once had a home, but lost it. That might be why he meows so much. I hope someone saw how sweet he was and took him in.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet kitty!! I left the sound on even though my "baby" was all over the computer!! The dog was goin' too!! Hope that little one got a home!!
ReplyDeleteMy kitteh Bella came running and then was looking out the window to see who was meowing... :( & I feel bad because last week at the Dr.'s office there was a stray there too... I gave him/her lots of pets & someone had already put a dish in the lot for the poor thing) I wish I could have taken him/her home! I will visit this week again...
ReplyDeletedid anybody think to feed the poor, little guy?
ReplyDeleteThat was a great video. The cat I had in the house was meowing right back at him. We sure hope someone takes the kitty home. Thanks for putting this on here.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet guy! It still amazes me that humans have domesticated dogs and cats, and they actually need us now for companionship and affection. Clearly this guy is in that bunch! Thanks for sharing this cute video.
ReplyDeleteI have 2 cats down in my computer room and my Princess had to find out what was going on.. She can't have no one getting my attention she started trying to get my attention so the loud intruder didn't get it...
ReplyDeleteMy oh my, quite a little talker & sweet, sweet lover of a kitty. I am going to imagine & pray he is in a home & is now clean & well fed. I smiled for this man's kindness but my heart broke for the many this sweet talker represents. It was wonderful to watch him go thru the transitions as the video went on.
ReplyDeletedid anybody think to feed the poor, little guy?
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet cat! I have the feeling he once had a home, but lost it. That might be why he meows so much. I hope someone saw how sweet he was and took him in.
ReplyDeleteMy 3 kitties came running too! I bet this kitty made this nice man's day as well as he making kitty's!! Precious. I too hope he found a loving home.
ReplyDeleteI know this cry of a meow, I believe in all cats, this repetative meow is its a cry for attention, notice how it turned to a sort of cross between a meow and a purr as it got the attention it craved. What a fab little talkative cat to communicate so clearly and repeatedly. Do hope this little kitty found a good home.
ReplyDeleteIt can be so surprizing and rewarding to take a little waif and stray. Best example I can ever give is the black panther I attach here, looking beautiful and sleek in his hey day. The unfogettable Hobo. He was a rescued feral boy with bad injuries after some sort of accident and skin problems. He was mistrustful and not used to people when he was brought to me, but he turned into a prince; he turned into a doting, clinging and very talkative cat, and friendly with everyone. I had the pleasure of his company for seven years. My current cat is also a stray, quite beuautiful and striking with his white chin and tux and feet, but timid with strangers and very independant. You've just got to love them all ... but this little chatty kitty really does deserve a special some one to care for her/him.
Oh...I cried all the way through. PLEASE someone give that sweet little guy a home!! I wish I could. You'll never know how much.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful big talkative and loving boy! OMC I do hope that someone, somewhere has taken him home to love and care for and be loved unconditionally in return. He would be such a companion, especially for someone needing attention and wanting to give to someone else. He's an absolute darling. I wish, I wish....with all my might.
ReplyDeleteI hope so, too, Jean. Such a love deserves a TON of love. <3
ReplyDeleteI don't know why this one hit me so hard. Just a few days ago, I had to say "Goodbye" to my 4th cat in 5 months to die of old age, and my heart is just SO empty now. I just can't stop crying for this most precious of precious spirits. I am SO grateful for that precious man & YOU, Precious Dorian, who actually SEE all those homeless & unloved around us who seem so totally invisible and worthless to most others. Oh, what I would have done, to have been in that man's place and be in the situation that I'm in now, and I would have grabbed this magnificent little one up & wrapped him up in such love that even HE wouldn't find enough purrs for!!! ...And he, who does it unto the least of these, has done it unto Me."
ReplyDeletei would like to know if did anyone take this lovely cat home. I wish I could do that but I live in Portugal ..
ReplyDeleteThat guy sure had a lot to say! Even before the petting commenced, he had some announcements to make. I hope the petter understood some of that, because I'm pretty sure the kitty was telling him all about his life on the street. I hope i hope i hope he gets a forever home!