Jan 25, 2011

Two Cats Tuesday: Moo is a Goofball

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Just to be fair, I want to put out a disclaimer here: Moo is very, very cute in this post. But, um, I'm in it as well... and I'm quite the hot mess in these pictures, if I do say so myself.

OK, that said. Ignore me, ooh and aww at the cat. Easy enough, right? (Besides, I have no shame, so I'm OK with putting myself out there in the name of Cute.)

Now, let's get going. Moo is a goofball. If you've been following along, you know this by now. Whenever I talk about him I always end up using the phrase, "He's so funny!" because he really is. Everything he does cracks me up.

A couple days ago I was at the computer, and he just climbed up on my shoulders... and made himself just as comfortable as could be.

What? Mom was cold. I'm her shawl. A very floppy, biscuit-making shawl.

Basically, he'll sleep on me wherever I am. He just has to be thisclose all the time. He loves his mommy!

I like to hug Mom's head when we go to sleep! Every. Single. Night.

Or if we're on the couch, I have to get in her neck and snuggle really close... (Please don't laugh at Mom's hair. She was taking a nap after running 16 miles!)

Note from Cute: Sorry about that one. If I could have Photoshopped a bag on my head, I would have.

Note to self: Need to sign up for a Photoshop class.

Sometimes we sleep normal, but that's boring. I make boring look cute though, don't I?

Moo also just recently decided he has to blow-dry my hair with me every morning. As soon as he hears it turn on, he comes running from wherever he is in the house and plops right on my feet to get some of the warm air. (I guess. Who really knows what that goofball is thinking ever anyway.)

I have to lie on Mom's feet to anchor her and make sure she doesn't blow away.

Warm air on my belly!

OK, I'm exhausted from all the goofing off. See you all next week!


  1. Moo! You are fricken adorbz and that belly needs a good zerberting! =D

  2. My dear human friend, you look ADORABLE!!

    Rumblemum says that Moo is too (I only notice bootiful girls)

  3. Moooo... wonderful pictures.

    pawhugs, Max

  4. Moo, you are totally adorable! My Mommeh says cow cats are extra-wonderful.

  5. WE love cow cats too. Moo you are just a little on the silly side. Great pictures. Looks like you do love your Mom a lot. Hope all of you have a fun day.

  6. sooo cute!!! awwww i wish my kitties did that! i'd be lucky to get a fraction of that contact! LOL!

  7. OMG soooo cute! I love how Moo is sprawled on his back in bed holding your face....(all the photos are cute!)

    hate to tell you Miss Missy but YOU look great even without a stitch of makeup! xoxo

  8. what is it about the black and white cats? They are something else when it comes to personality......Moo is adorable.....

  9. Hey Moo, I would say you have everything covered quite nicely!

  10. Oh my god that one where his paws are on your face is so cute!

  11. Moo, u r a hoot and a half..we are still chuckling. I run wiff when da blow dryer comes out, shirking obvious footanchor duties.

  12. So are you the second cat for TWO cats Tuesday?

    He is a cutie, snuggly pie

  13. Momster says are sisfur who is over the rainbow bridge use to climb on her back at every opportunity. She says those claws were sharp!

    Moo, you are cute and great! We will take lessons from you.

    Mac & Fuz

  14. Oh, that is funny! He sure is cuddly! It reminded me of this:

  15. He's SO adorable, I can't take it!! p.s. Don't be so hard on yourself! I agree with Caren's comment :)

  16. Yes, you warned us, he is extremely cute!

  17. Hey Moo, I would say you have everything covered quite nicely!

  18. OMG soooo cute! I love how Moo is sprawled on his back in bed holding your face....(all the photos are cute!)

    hate to tell you Miss Missy but YOU look great even without a stitch of makeup! xoxo

  19. WE love cow cats too. Moo you are just a little on the silly side. Great pictures. Looks like you do love your Mom a lot. Hope all of you have a fun day.

  20. Moooo... wonderful pictures.

    pawhugs, Max

  21. Your cats are so very lucky to have you!! I wish with all my heart that every kitty could live that life. They all deserve it so much don't they?

  22. what an awesome, handsome baby with a kind, terrific mommy!!!! you can really trust someone who cares for animals. May God smile on you all :D

  23. I am so glad I signed on...love you guys!


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