Mar 4, 2011

Cute Baby Anteater Finds His Feet

Sunshine the newborn baby anteater is a little wobbly on his tiny feet, so he spends a lot of time clinging to his equally-adorable mommy. But when he does give standing a shot on his own... I just want to eat him up!

This is at the Sunshine International Aquarium in Tokyo. I did a little poking around for more info on Sunshine, and it looks like this video was originally posted a while back, so he's actually almost two right now!


  1. It's pretty obvious I suppose, but that is SO CUTE!!

  2. I had no idea that ant eaters were so cute!!!

  3. I had a little bit of a clue... but I didn't know they were THIS cute!

  4. Oh my, that is one cute little critter!

  5. Millisa Barron DavisMarch 4, 2011 at 1:39 PM

    How cute!! Momma giving baby a piggy back ride!! Then momma got tired and her and the baby wanted a piggy back ride from the zoo keeper!! AAAHHH!!!

  6. That little ant eater is so cute. Love the climb up the Zookeeper's back. I didn't realize they were so cute.

  7. Awww who knew eating ants could get you so cute?


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