Apr 24, 2011

Cats Can't Figure Out the Treadmill

Snowball and Pepper are like two scientists trying to figure out this confounded treadmill. The thing makes no sense!

First, Pepper tries the "Thwap Test" on it. Then, Snowball tests the treadmill for "Paw Drag." It's all very exact and carefully tested, but I'm not sure if they ever got an answer.


  1. Pepper looks like Harry the Farm cat.
    Happy Easter

  2. How funny! It would be almost worth it to buy a treadmill just to watch the antics.

  3. love seeing this one again....I laugh every time!

  4. That is cute, but aren't you humans supposed to hang clothes on those things?

  5. Poor Snowball flinches every time Pepper gives it a thwap! I wonder if he/she's been thwapped by Pepper before...

  6. That is too cute. All videos with cats and treadmills and just the funniest. Happy Easter to all of the Cute family.

  7. Thanks for giving us another laugh for today. So funny.


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