Jun 12, 2011

Peek-a-Boo Kitten

What's that hiding in the kitty cube? It's a ridiculously silly kitty who likes to play peek-a-boo with you!

This guy claims his kitten is the cutest kitten of all time, ever. I'd have to see more videos to say for sure, but I can't imagine there's any way in the world he's cuter than Pimp as a kitten. (Of course, I might be biased.)

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  1. Ha ha -That is so cute.  He's really enjoying that game too.

  2. Well that's a darn cute little one!

  3. That is cute.
    The publicist thinks that Sherpa was very cute as a kitten and Harry was cute as a kitten...we all love our cats as kittens she says

  4. He/ she likes that Peek a boo game.  Too cute.

  5. Well, he's funny, but the "cutest kitten of ALL time"??? I dunno. I hope they named him "Jumping Bean". :)

  6. He definitely is cute, but cuter than Pimp?  I'm not so sure about that!  Pimp was an adorable kitten who turned it a very handsome cat who could charm anyone!

  7. =8-D Cracked me up!!! How adorable is that?!!! Makes me want another "baby"

  8. I love that peekaboo trick!


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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