Jul 14, 2011

A Sneaky Little Intruder!

You can lock your doors and close your windows, but nothing can stop this sneaky little intruder from squeezing his way into your home!

I wish cute things like this crawled under my door. All I ever get sneaking into my house are ugly lizards and bugs. I'd welcome this surprise guest anytime!

BONUS CUTE: Watch another sneaky intruder!


  1. look at that belly!!!

  2. Awww! It can sneak anywhere it wants, now that it's snuck into our hearts!!!

  3. You can see all about Eleanor here: http://pitterpatsofbabycats.blogspot.com/

  4. ha ha - such a tiny, cute little kitten.  At first we thought it was going to be a mousie.

  5. MOL, that was so cute. I remember when we had kittens and they would do the same thing. Too cute that little devil coming right under. 

  6. Oh! It's going to get stuck as it gets older! That's what happens to the kids around here.

  7. I see a .gif in this video's future!  That kitten is too cute!


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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