Jul 12, 2011

Two Cats Tuesday: We Have Long Whiskers!

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Today Pimp and Moo want to show off their luxurious whiskers. Both of them have very fancy facial hair.

My whiskers are all colors - white, brown and black!

Mine are all white, but don't they look handsome in contrast to my black cow spots?

I think Moo was pouting a little bit in his picture because Pimp's photo was so much more glamorous. Maybe he needs to take some modeling lessons from Pimp!

NOTE FROM CUTE: We're having a giveaway for a SmartScoop Self-Scooping Litter Box today, too! Go here to check it out and enter to win!


  1. Moo needs to learn to twirl those beautiful white whiskers like they're a mustache. :-3

  2. Great whiskers! I was looking at Little Miss Moxie's yesterday, and she has three colours like Pimp does. Awwwdorable whiskers!

  3. Whiskers, whiskers, we all love whiskers!!!! These 2 boys have lovely whiskers!!!!

  4. Aww they seem so content :)

  5. Great Whiskers pal.   I bet it's time for a nap soon.

  6. Hi Pimp! Hi Moo! We love your gorgeous long whiskers! You should show them off because they are awesome!!

  7. Those are very impressive whiskers!

  8. such fabulous whiskers!  aww, Moo - don't pout!  your pic is great!  

  9. You both have good whiskers.  Mine are curly and brittle so they break off easily. 

  10. Handsome boys!!! Luxurious whiskers, both of you!


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