Oct 19, 2011

Kitten Tries to Catch Mouse Pointer

Mowgli the kitten is trying his extra-super-best to catch that mouse pointer moving around on the computer screen. He keeps thinking he has it in his precious little paws, but then... Darn it! Not there.

But that won't stop him from trying over and over again to catch it!

I don't know about you guys, but I melted a little bit watching this video. Such a sweet kitty and so naive! He really thought he could get it in his paws. Love love love.


  1. Too adorable!!!

    (Wait! Isn't that bad for your computer screen?)

  2. I like when he tries to hold it in his two paws.  So cute!

  3. So so so cute!!! But is it Mowgli or Meowgli? :-) >^.^<

  4. Cute cute cute cute CUTE. Cutest. Ever. !!!

  5. He deserves a treat. But the publicist is worried about the computer screen

  6. Ah he really was so determined, and so convinced he had it at one stage. Such a cutie, and so playful. xx

  7. What a smart kitty to try to catch it between his paws. Great video. We liked that one.

  8. Waaaayyy too sweet!  He's adorable!  My smile for the day is ON!  :)

  9. I like the way he checked behind the monitor to see if it might be there.  Reminds me of my kitties when they were that age.

  10. Adorable and isn't he smart to check behind the mointer.  lol

  11. arrrrr very  cute kitten


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