Mar 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day From Pimp and Moo!

Pimp and Moo love to dress up for holidays! Well, maybe I love to dress them up and they love the get the treats they get after the photo session...

Anywhos, today my two little leprechauns are all dressed up in their St. Patrick's day bandanas we got from Nip and Bones!

Aren't we fancy?! We have shamrocks. Mom says it's because we are lucky kitties because we have a happy home.

We usually don't get along, but we do agree on one thing: Never cooperate for group shots!

Oh hai! I decided to wear mine on my head. Like a rapper. Do I look like a rapper? MOO-licious!

Maybe not a rapper. This angle makes me look super chic!

OK, just wait. Before you scroll down any more... Just take a minute and brace yourself. For real. Pimp has taken some seriously adorable/ridiculous/heart-breaking/God-love-him-for-being-such-a-good-and-patient-suPURRmodel pictures before, but this one is going to crack you up.


You sure?

OK... So Pimp wanted to put his on his head like Moo did. Have you ever seen a cuter little leprechaun?

LinkMom! I demand extra treats for this one.

(And he got them, of course. And by "treats," I mean pieces of his special y/d food that I put in his treat jar so I could still pretend like he can get treats. Because he loves treats, bless his heart.)

Happy St. Paddy's Day, everyone! Stay safe and have fun!


  1. The cutest leprechauns I've ever seen!

  2. Your cats are so patient with you! It looks like they both collapsed in helpless heaps!

  3. Your cats are so patient with you! It looks like they both collapsed in helpless heaps!

  4. Your cats are so patient with you! It looks like they both collapsed in helpless heaps!

  5. Your cats are so patient with you! It looks like they both collapsed in helpless heaps!

  6. Those are the luckiest cute leprechauns ever!  I especially like the "on the head" version.  Indeed, they both deserve extra treats for this photo shoot!

  7. Cutest and fuzziest leprechauns ever!!!

  8. Cutest Leprechauns! Happy St. Patrick's Day, Dorian, Pimp and Moo!

  9. I could only see the edges of the pictures. The majority of the pictures were covered by an advertisement that moved along when I tried to scroll down.

  10. Oh noes! Could you close it out? What was it an ad for? I have no idea which ad is doing that. :( I use an ad network, so I don't hand-pick each one on some of those. Can you tell me what it was for so I can try and stop that one? Thanks!

    I hope when you come back it's not there anymore! I don't think it shows up every time -- I don't see it when I come. Help! :)

  11. Happy St. Paddy's to you, Lenny and Benny and all the Texas Cares kitties!

  12. Happy St. Paddy's' Day!  Are you ever lucky you have a mom that loves to dress up her boys lol.  You are so patient guys, my two would never stand for it. 

  13. Adorable!! Pimp and Moo look great and were such good boys :) Happy St. Patty's Day to you all!

  14. Moo always looks on the verge of bolting.  Cute pics!

  15. Cutest photos ever!  Did they shake them off or did you have to do it for them?!
    Fun's over! (for now.....)

  16. bahahhaa i love when you dress up your boys..Moo looks more like an old Russian lady but don't tell him! LOLL

  17. They are so handsome!!! Happy /Day to you!

  18. Moo as a rapper? I don't know. When I saw him the word "babushka" came to mind. Oy!

  19. OMG... in that second one, Moo totally needs to go have breakfast at Tiffany's!  :)

  20. Such beautiful kitties.  They totally rocked their St. Patrick's Day look!  It would take some serious drugs to get my Sophie in a neckerchief.

  21. So adorable!!! We'll tell Moo he looks like a rapper to make his day! Such a sweet pic of Pimp! Yes double treats for that one.

    Happy St. Patrick's day to everyone!

  22. I love seeing Pimp and Moo's photos!  So very cute in their St. Paddy's Day gear.

    Gina and Tigger

  23. They must REALLY love their mama! Adorable....of course!
    Oh, and I have never seen an ad here...
    Double X's

  24. So much cuteness! Thank you so much for sharing these! Too adorable for words <3

    Happy St. Patty's Day :D

    ~ Kieli ~

  25. Ohhh you guys deserve whole TUNAs for that one!!

  26. Yay! You guys are so cute...I mean handsome for sure! The bandanas worked out pawsome! *high paws*


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