May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day: Salute to Military Working Dogs

To all our veterans, both human and canine: Thank you.

This video is a touching tribute to all the military working dogs past, present and future. These dogs were brave, loyal and tough and saved countless lives.

(I saw it shared on the Retired Military War Dogs Facebook page. Head on over and give them a Like!)

And here's a video of a military working dogs documentary that aired a couple years ago on the Military Channel. I can't find it in any listings, so I guess they aren't re-running it. Too bad. I'd love to see it.


  1. Very touching. It reminded me of all our AF K9 dog units. They were terrific dogs.

  2. What a beautiful tribute!  :)

  3. To all our Veterans, Thank You !!!

  4. We definitely have to thank our K9's for their help in wars too. Thank you for reminding people that it's not just the men and women that risk their lives, dogs do too :)

    ~ Kieli ~

  5. Just FYI there have been cats in the service also'not that I am trying to take anything away from the dogs

  6. o wow
    this should be aired over all television stations and yesterday would have been a great day to do that
    it made me start crying, and yeah i know men arent supposed to cry
    but i dont care
    it was so touching, and so great

  7. Oh, I didn't know that. How great! I'll try and look into it. What have they used the cats for?

  8. I wish it had been on yesterday. Seems like something they should rerun every year.

  9. Dogs have served, and given their lives, not only in every war, but at the WTC rescue and recovery efforts.  Unlike some humans, they live to love and serve their companions unselfishly.

  10. I cannot find my article but if you will do a little googling like military cats etc you will find some.I will continue to search my archives


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