Jun 2, 2012

Burmese Cats Guard Newborn Baby

Erin is just a little baby, but she already has two friends for life in her furry sisters. They cuddle up right next to her and make sure she's comfortable and warm and snuggled in so she doesn't accidentally roll of the couch.

Looks like she's got two good babysitters!

BONUS CUTE: Here's another kitty babysitter -- a cat soothing a crying baby.

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  1. Tooo cute!!!! Burmese are my favorites!

  2. Marvelous!  Why aren't there more parents like this - and less who turn their cats into a shelter because "I'm having a baby" or "I had a baby?"  I had a 12-year old foster whose owners had had her since birth who turned her into the shelter a week before Thanksgiving because "she sleeps too close to the baby."  Fortunately, she found a happy home with a lovely 83-year old woman.

  3. A wonderful happy ending for that kitty. I have no idea why people are like that. I wish it didn't happen so often. Animals can be super loving and nurturing!

  4. It's almost how I sleep now... Hehe. Except I'm bigger than the cats. ;)

  5. awww - this should be required viewing for every person who says give up the cat when they want to have kids. :)

  6. 30 seconds of pure bliss. Who can think of anything better than a cute new born baby and two adorable cats. Thanks for this post :)

  7. Absolutely wonderful! When my youngest newborn sis Laurie was in her crib, our Siamese girl was always with her, and when Laurie began to cry, the kitty actually went to get my mother! Precious! Those who still believe the ridiculous old wives tale that cats suck baby's breath are simply ignorant!
    Hmmm...'ever hear about a cat attacking and killing a baby or toddler.....?


  8. Purrrrrrfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Very precious!

  10. That is so sweet; Pinkie slept with ZZ and Woo both,we never thought a thig of it. I am glad these people are loving to all


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