Aug 26, 2012

Cats Have Chores to Do, Too!

If you think cats do nothing but laze around all day and sleep, play and eat, you're very wrong. They actually have some important chores to do around the house!

For instance, Harley (Daisy the Curly Cat's brother) is in charge of cleaning the kitchen counter and a few other things. Daisy keeps him in line and on top of his chores, and I'm sure his mom appreciates how helpful he is!

NOTE FROM CUTE: We're supposed to be getting some tropical storm winds from Isaac down here today. It is forecast to be a category 1 hurricane in the Keys south of us, but we're supposed to still get some wind here on the east coast. (I'm in Deerfield Beach.) We've got all our stuff in from the balcony and are just hoping the power doesn't go out!

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  1. Daisy and Harley are such a great team!

  2. 43 seconds?
    There are another couple of minutes to that, surely!

  3. Be safe, Cute. All of us up here in New Hampshire will keep our paws crossed that the winds are not too bad!

  4. OMG how cute is that. Polishing the counter! He is a cutie!

  5. Adorable. Stay safe.

  6. Cats ~ Goats ~ QuotesAugust 26, 2012 at 10:31 AM

    Two of our favorite kittycats!
    We hope the storm will not be bad for you.

  7. We all love Harley and Daisy. Stay safe!

  8. Too funny & so cute! Andre "helps" with laundry!

    Stay safe!

  9. Best of luck with the wind and rain. We won't see it until Tuesday on the MS Gulf Coast.

  10. That is one terrific video. Good Job Daisy getting Harley to do his chores.
    Dorian, sure hope the hurricane doesn't come close to you. We have our paws crossed for ya. Batten down the hatches.

  11. Great video! Daisy really has Harley trained very well.

  12. Hahahaha! I LOVE Daisy and Harley--they always make me smile. :)

    Be safe with that storm heading your way!

  13. Daisy has him well trained! Good babies.


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