Jan 24, 2014

Hey Kitties, Keep It Down Over There!

When floofmaster kitty hears some shenanigans going on, he can hardly believe it. He tries to stand tall to get a better look, but his eyes just can't believe what they are seeing either.

And so he motions with his paws, "Everybody just relax!" But no one is relaxing and the noisy kitties just keep going on and on. Perhaps he should be a little more assertive with his shuuuush requests?

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  1. OOOHHH that is so cute and touching!!! what an adorable cat.

  2. I LOVE floofmaster kitty.....such a gorgeous cat~

  3. What a silly kitty!! That is so cute!

  4. What a silly kitty!! That is so cute!

  5. Kerry Palmer VistisenJanuary 24, 2014 at 4:08 PM

    Wow! He is floofy!

  6. I love this! Reminds me so much of a fluffy kitty I had many years ago....her name was Cloudy!! I love the paw action...reminded me of some of the gestures they use in baseball!!! LOL!!!

  7. "Shhhh I cant concentrate!" Love it. Looks a lot like my Ju Ju Bee. She gets the same look on her face.


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