Jan 14, 2014

Two Cats (and Phantom) Tuesday: Seat and Sink's Taken

Happy Two Cats and a Phantom Tuesday, Cuteheads! Foster man Phantom is going to share this day while he's here, because Lord knows I have taken enough pictures of him already to take up two weeks of posts all by himself already!

Yesterday was Moo's Gotcha Day, so we cuddled a lot. Even Pimp seemed to tolerate him a little bit for his big day...

Sea'ts taken... One cushion per cat. No cushions left for human.
And now, reporting to you from the Cutest Spare Bathroom in the World, it's Phantom! Gah, this kitty is amazing. He is the most loveable thing. I have decided his middle name is Noodle, because he is like a wet noodle. He just flops all over the place and contorts in all kinds of ways when you hold him to get the maximum amount of petting and rubs. It's like he's missing bones or something! He is so, so trusting.

In case you haven't put two and two together yet, this picture should clear up why his name is Phantom...
The Phaaaaaaantom of the Meowpera!
This sink is a hotspot. Cats love it's dated splendor, apparently.* Interior designers they are not. 
HALP! This lady is going to squish me with smooches!

*Disclaimer: I rent. Do not blame me for the sea shell sinks, circa 1970-whatever.

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  1. awwww phantom just soaks up the love!!! Happy Mews day!

  2. Phantom is handsome and adorable....all in one!! What a sweetheart.

  3. Awww, wish I were close so I could adopt him. Found out today our cat Lucky may have cancer, and may not have long. We are crossing our fingers that the biopsy comes back negative, but the vet is preparing us for the worst. She gave us lots of pain meds, the tumor is on the back of his tongue and makes it hard for him to eat.
    But, if we lose Lucky and adopt again, it will be in Houston, TX, for an older cat (Lucky is 12), and there are so many older kitties in Houston who need help.
    I am sure lovely Phantom will find his forever home.

  4. you have so much love to give! and to be able to part with them! you are a special lady! I see why he is called phantom. I thought, what is that one his face? Oh! he has a white face, half of it. OH! phantom of the opera! good one! love it!

  5. There's definitely something special about a black cat! All are special for sure, but I've loved and lost many a kitty, and my "Olive" is as lovable as Phantom, also very touchy-feely and chatty. Being loved like this by a cat is a true blessing. She is my first black kitty, and will not be my last! I couldn't love her more if I gave birth to her! Lol! Phantom's future family will be lucky, I'm sure.

  6. So hoping that Phantom gets a home. He

  7. Dang the BOYS are cute, especially P. Noodle today!

  8. Happy Gotcha Day Moo!!! Pimp you are very special to be nice to Moo on his great day!!! Love you babies!!! Phantom you have the perfect face & name too!!! I love all kitties but my first kitty ever was one I found & brought home and he was black with a grey swirl down his back. And his name was, wait for it..



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