Mar 12, 2009

America's Next Top Cat Model: Su-purr-model Standouts

Your Daily Cute realizes not all of you are on Facebook to keep checking back on the photo entries for America's Next Top Cat Model, so we've decided to post a few of the possible su-purr-model contestants.

The fancy felines all stand out in their own way, and bring a different cattitude to the table in their amazing photo shoots. Some of the standouts...

(These are just some of the exciting entries -- make sure to come back Monday, after we choose the five finalists, to vote on the winner. Everyone will be able to vote!)

Profile. You're doing it right.

Nevermind this ridiculous pile of toys. I will not be distracted from my work...

Dark, mysterious and alluring.

The key is choosing a table that complements your fur tone.

Once again, exquisite use of tone... but with an additional master-level skill: Slight head tilt, accentuating the curves of the prop.

Monkey Cat
Natural highlights and fabulous feline would trade one of their nine lives for...

Monkeyface's range is incredible. In one single shot, he's angry, yet comforable; tall and proud, yet dressed in clothes; and with incredible concentration, yet natural-looking.

What do you think of these fancy felines? Leave a comment below! And CLICK HERE for more of America's Next Top Cat Model standout contestants!


  1. Well I may be biased, but I thinks that Monkey Cat is 1 fine looking feline =^..^=

  2. MONKEYFACE rules.

  3. Monkey, you look purrfect.



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