Aug 1, 2009

Face of Cute Gallery: Week 1

Did you miss any of your buddies in the Face of Cute contest? Every day in July, Your Daily Cute featured a different cutie up there on our logo -- and we had the best time looking at and picking through all the entries!

Thanks to everyone who entered! The contest was such a huge success that we're DEFINITELY going to do it again soon... In the meantime, check out all the winning cuties in our Face of Cute gallery below.

See anyone you know? Leave them a comment below!

Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4

Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4


  1. Concats to all cute here. I luvs seeing dem all! And thx for picking me in week 1, dat is totally pawesome!

  2. You're welcome, Monkey! You were a fabulous Face of Cute! :)

  3. Hooray for Harry the goat. He thanks you for his day of glory!

  4. All the cutes were so CUTE on the Cute!!!

    The Brew and BZTAT

  5. is that one of those fainting goats?? Those are just hilarious.. if you walk at them, they fall over.

  6. Aw, I don't think Harry is a fainting goat. He is a CUTE goat, though. You should check out the goat blog he and his goat friends have!


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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