Jan 20, 2010

Guess What? The Live Shiba Inu Puppy Cam is Back!

Oh, Cuteheads... Do I have a treat for you today! Remember last year's live streaming Shiba Inu Puppy Cam that took the world by storm? (I posted about it here: The first Shiba Inu Puppy Cam.) Well, it's back!

The mommy, Kika, had another little of puppies -- and they're back on 24-hour streaming Shiba Inu Puppy Cam cuteness!

Kika's five puppies were born on January 16 (three boys and two girls), so they're just babies right now! Be sure to come back to the Shiba Inu Puppy Cam often to watch them play, eat, be cute and grow up!

Live Video streaming by Ustream

P.S. Don't tell work, but the Shiba Inu Puppy Cam is going to be playing in the background of what I'm doing all day! I love it. Enjoy!


  1. Oh my gash!! I loved watching shiba inu puppy last time!! So glad that they are back!!!!! I will become a paparazzi!!

  2. That is so great being able to watch the puppies. We will be back to visit often.

  3. Oh it was off the air...I'll be back to see.

  4. If it's off the air, just come back in a little -- they'll be on when everyone wakes up! :)

  5. She's being such a great mommy right now...

  6. Oh, I just want to hold them!

  7. Just found your site and I LOVE the puppies! Thank you for posting I never seen them before. They are so beautiful!
    Thanks again,


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