Apr 11, 2010

Something's Fishy About this Kitty...

This kitty has the chubbiest cheeks ever!

Doesn't he look like a fishy with his cheeks all puffed out like that? I expect him to start going blub blub blub any second now.


  1. LOL--it seems like he likes the face massage! DailyDogScoop.com

  2. Awwww... much more patient than when you pinch a kid's chubby cheeks! ;-)

  3. I agree, that is one patient little one!

  4. I has never heared of a cheek massage afore but even if'n it makes you look like a fishy, looks like it be feelin' good!

  5. That is kind of weird. I can't believe that the cat lets the hoooman do that to him or her. He or she must have really loose cheeks.
    Hope you had a great time at Blog paws. Can't wait to hear about it.

  6. Ha! Ha! We thinks that is making that kitty sleepy! We can see his eyes getting that snooze off look!

  7. We hope that kitty didn't get mad! Not sure where our first comment went to ????

  8. sometimes you have to be careful if you want to jokes or playing with cats, it can bite and scratch you, I had a bad experience with cats


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