Jan 24, 2011

Kitten Spin Cycle

Izzy is going to be dry from her bath in no time with this "spin cycle" technique she's using!

She was apparently very dirty and needed a bath pretty bad -- something about a messy litterbox incident (we're not asking questions) -- and this is what she smartly did after. Her mom says she kept it up for a full 30-minute cycle. Fun and functional!

BONUS CUTE: Pimp got some tail a while back, too!


  1. It looks like she didn't recognize her tail once it got wet and skinnier!

  2. Daisy, i think you are right!

  3. Oooh, I'm getting dizzy just watching her

  4. I love when she changes direction! CUTE!

  5. I am dizzy too watching her.At least she did change directions. Poor little thing. Hope she got dry

  6. Now, that's one way to dry off! We're still dizzy watching!

  7. I don't think she was going fast enough to get dry that way!!! She needed to go a little faster... I have had mine going pretty good with a laser pointer... LOL!!! That was just too cute!!

  8. What a crazy baby...it's great!

  9. I don't think she was going fast enough to get dry that way!!! She needed to go a little faster... I have had mine going pretty good with a laser pointer... LOL!!! That was just too cute!!


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