Jan 18, 2011

Two Cats Tuesday: Two Kittens on a Mission!

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Today we have an extra special edition of Two Cats Tuesday -- Pimp and Moo have decided to let Peekaboo and Wes take over for the day... because they are two very cute kittens on a very important mission!

These two gorgeous babies were born with cerebellar hypoplasia, which, as their video explains, just means their motor skills aren't so hot (don't worry, they aren't in any pain). But that doesn't stop them from playing and having fun and loving and being adorably perfect!

Their mission? Watch the video to see... I'm sure you'll support it 100% like Cute does!

You think that was cute? Check out Wesley's video debut back when he was a widdle bitty baby kitty (before his foster mom -- who is a friend of Cute, by the way! -- decided he was too cute to give up and decided to keep him herself!)...

Pimp and Moo will be back next week (trust me, those two hams can't stay away from the camera for long!), but in the meantime, they'd love if you would share Wes and Peekaboo's video so we can spread the word about how wonderful special needs pets are!

P.S. If you haven't already, why not subscribe to Your Daily Cute by email? Don't miss a Cute!


  1. Wonderful videos! Thank you so much for sharing. I will definitely pass them along. =^.^=

  2. They are all absolutely the sweetest babies. My gosh. Thank you.

  3. I think I am a little bit in love with Wes and Peekaboo!

  4. Oh my goodness! Wesley and Peekaboo are adorable! I am so glad these two sweeties have a forever home! I'm also impressed with whoever made the video of Wesley. They did a great job of showing that he is a normal kitty who just happens to wobble a little and has some coordination issues. I have to admit, when he was wobbling while he was trying to walk, I thought it was too cute! He looked like he was dancing!

  5. These kitties are so sweet! And they seem extra playful! Very adorable and cute!
    xo Catherine

  6. Those videos are super and those two are so cute. That is also terrific that they have a forever home and also have each other. It does look like they get a little better as they get older. Thanks for showing us those two.

  7. Glad these very special kitties have furrever homes. Just because they have CH, doesn't mean they can't be happy and have fun! Pimp and Moo are so wonderful for handing over the spotlight today to Peekaboo and Wes :)

  8. Yeah! Wesley and Peekaboo are totally honored for joining the official Cutedom. They send along their thanks to everyone and especially Pimp and Moo for giving up their Two Cat Tuesday spot for a great cause. :)

  9. What a couple of cuties!! It sounds like they are lucky little honeys with a great home :) I'll repost this on Catladyland's FB page!

  10. i luvs Wes & Peekaboo - thanks for sharing!

  11. Oh, we could love a little kitty like Wes or Peekaboo. Guess they'd have to stay indoors like us. We'd teach em good. Mac & Fuz

  12. They are all adorable and glad that they are able to play. I hope they gain better motor skills as they get older.

  13. What a couple of cuties!! They made us smile!!

  14. They are so cute!! They really are very active kitties!!! I just loved to see them play!!

  15. That is so sweet! :) Adoption is awesome.

  16. Wonderful videos! Thank you so much for sharing. I will definitely pass them along. =^.^=

  17. cerebellar hypoplasia cats are HILARIOUS!! and what's best is that they're in no pain at all so you don't feel bad for giggling at their sillies!

  18. Wes and Peekaboo are adorable babies. Such fun to watch and so glad to know they are not in pain. Just too too much!


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