Jan 21, 2011

Surprised Dog

I'm sure you all remember the Surprised Kitten video that melted every single one of our little hearts. Well, now there's a surprised dog version, too...

And it's fabulous.

You can't tell me you didn't giggle. Happy Friday, everyone!

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  1. Not so much surprised dog as lazy dog. But, he sure is cute!

  2. I think I saw a Surprised Human one too. The dog is definitely not working.

  3. That doggie think his Mom is a little strange on that day. He wasn't into the surprise deal. Hope you have a fun week end.

  4. he he - it looks like the doggie is not cooperating. Maybe he's a cat in a doggie body! Just meowing.

  5. He doesn't really look surprised!! He looks bored out of his mind!!!

  6. LOL! dog thinks person is crazy, but likes the scritches, so tolerates crazy person ;)

  7. HILARIOUS! I couldn't stop laughing. I found the dog's guardian a hell of a lot funnier than the dog!

  8. wait for it, wait for it...

  9. HILARIOUS! I couldn't stop laughing. I found the dog's guardian a hell of a lot funnier than the dog!

  10. I think I saw a Surprised Human one too. The dog is definitely not working.


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