Feb 23, 2011

Kitten in a Potty

Yesterday I thought it was silly that Moo had settled in and made himself comfy in my junk basket, but Monster Truck here has topped him -- he's in a potty!

A potty? Really? I know kittens can choose some silly places to snuggle into... but a potty has got to be the strangest ever. Silly Monster Truck!

BONUS CUTE: Monster Truck chasing some string!

Thanks to Cute's friend Jamie for sending over a cute Monster Truck kitten video!


  1. That is a great name for a kitten.

  2. I love the "Here, look at my foot" moments.

  3. he he - dat's adorable. Leave it to a kitten to get comfy in anything.

  4. "OK, now how do I get out of here?"

  5. That is a pretty interesting room along with that being a silly kitty. How cute he is. Did you see that big elephant or what ever that was. Great video.

  6. That kitten is so cute... Wonderful post.

    pawhugs, Max

  7. Way too cute. That's not a potty; its a big red chair!


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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