Feb 24, 2011

Kittens in Bowls

Cats like to get in stuff. That's no secret. And especially stuff that shouldn't technically be theirs. Like potties, baskets and vases.

And bowls, too.

Lots of crazy kittens and lots of bowls. "Why?" you ask? "Why not," I say! I hope this is some kind of gameshow -- it's brilliant!

Note from Cute: Sorry the post is up late today! Totally slipped my mind last night to do one. Have been dealing with a bunch of family stuff. But don't worry: No more forgetting the Cute allowed! :)


  1. No worries, Dorian. I think I am just up extra early this morning and as it seems, I woke up impatient!

  2. BTW, this is very cute! I does look like a game show, they have so many interesting ones in japan, why not have one with kitties! It's like the cafes they have there with cats!

  3. My Japanese is extremely rusty, but I did catch a few words. The one I kept hearing over and over was "Kawai!" which appropriately means "Cute!" I may have to watch these Kawai kitties over and over.

  4. OMC! Too CUTE...too too too CUTE hehe

  5. kitties love to be in things. Bowl of kitty is very funny!

  6. Oh man - dat is an adorable video.

  7. LOVE THIS!!! Thanks for posting!

  8. Bowls 'n bowls of kitties - nothing could be cuter!


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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