Feb 25, 2011

My Bed Doesn't Belong Here!

Bugsy likes to sleep on one particular chair, so his mom decided to put a cat bed on it to keep it from getting too cat-hairy.

Bugsy does not approve, and takes matters into his own paws...

Isn't this video adorable? You can see more cute pictures and videos of Bugsy over at Cute's friend Max the Quilt Cat's blog!


  1. Very clever kitty - don't just take it off the chair, get it OUT OF THE HOUSE!

  2. Good boy, Bugsy! You know how stuff is supposed to be.

  3. I like the stutter walk...begone you roundy thing.

  4. I love how his buddy went with him to dispose of that bad, bad cat bed! ;)

  5. So fun to see Bugsy on your blog. Thanks.

    pawhugs, Max

  6. That is one cute video. We did see it over at Max's blog but still enjoyed watching Bugsy move that bed again. Good stuff.

  7. I cat knows where things belong... if my cats could drag the snack table around they use to climb on, they would. Loved the video.

  8. MOL OMC! You go Bugsy! Tell dat hooman what she can do wif dat bed. hehe

  9. I LOVE that he dragged it outside!!!

  10. Bugsy is an action man. I like that guy. :)


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