May 8, 2011

Top 5 Reasons Why It's Great to Be a Cat Mom

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! Whether you have human children or furry kids, this day is for you!

My two boys are both furry, and I wouldn't have it any other way. For me, cats are the perfect kids, and here are my top 5 reasons why I love being a cat mom:

1. No diapers.
I don't know about you all, but I'd rather scoop poop and flush a little litter any day over changing stinky, smelly diapers and wiping dirty butts.

2. You rarely need a babysitter.
I can go to work, to dinner, to the mall or even on a weekend getaway and leave my cats at home alone. All they need is some extra food and water and they take care of themselves! Maybe you come home to a shredded roll of toilet paper or cat toys spread all over the house, but overall you can bet they mostly just slept like angels. (That's what I tell myself when I'm away, anyway!)

3. They are softer.
You know that saying "Smooth as a babies behind," right? Well, who cares about smooth... Cats are nice and soft and fluffy! Soft as a kitten's fur. Now how do I go about making that a regular saying?

4. No giving birth.
The are my sons, there's no doubt, but I didn't have to actually birth them. Sure, sometimes kittens are tiny and you have to bottle feed them like a baby, but you didn't actually have to pop him out. Plus, you can't disagree with me that newborn kittens are way cuter than newborn babies.

5. They take up less space in the bed.
This one is arguable, I know, but technically cats take up less physical space in the bed that kids would. Your kitty might weigh, what, 20 pounds at most? Compare that to a human kid who can't sleep and crawls into your bed in the middle of the night -- the kitty definitely takes up less space! (The human kid might be more cooperative, though. We all know cats make you move so they're comfortable.)

Bonus reason: Cat names are way more fun!

You can name cats silly things like Pimp and Moo and no one looks at you like you're crazy. In fact, they think it's extra cute and love them even more!

Happy Mother's Day to all the cat moms (and ALL the pet moms!) out there!

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  1. Great Post ! and so glad to see you two : )
    Happy Mothers Day to your mom.
    I hope you guys have a wonderful time with her

    Ps: My mom want to add up 1 more, No Talk Back when you guys turrn to be a teenager : ) May be talk back but she can hear is " Meow "

  2. They're easier to feed. I never was blessed with a picky eater, or maybe, my cats had just trained me well.

  3. Excellent blog! As the mother of a human & 5 cats I can completely relate.

  4. LOL!!! Happy Mother's Day Kitty Mama!!!! xoxo

  5. Haha. So true! And I wouldn´t have it any other way either with my 3 kits. Happy CatMomDay to you. :)

  6. Great post... Happy Mother's Day to All.

    pawhugs, Max

  7. Happy Mother's Day to the Pimp and Moo Mom!!!

  8. Being a catmom is definitely the way to go! Happy Mother's day!

  9. I have some future-oriented reasons why furkids are great. Like they will never want a driver's license or college tuition, or grow to think that Mom is uncool. They're just as loyal in their teens as they are when their age is in single digits. ;-)

    They all rock in their own ways, though. Happy Mother's Day to ALL who have human or fuzzy kids! :-)

  10. You forgot reason No. 6: You don't have to pay for college! That's what I tell my brother and sisters every time they get on my case for "only" having cats.

  11. What a great post. Those are all such good reasons to be a cat Mom. I sure enjoy being Mom to the cats here. We hope your Mom has a super Mother's day and that you treat her really special like she does you every day. Have a fun day.

  12. I agree totally! Happy Mother's Day!

  13. A woman who love cats and hedgehogs too can't be all that bad

  14. Happy Cat Mom's Day to you, too, Marg! Enjoy all your kitties!

  15. That's another GREAT reason! Hehe.

  16. Yes! Love these, too. Perfect! :)

  17. Thanks, Daisy. Tell Harley to be a good boy for your mommeh today. (I know you'll be good!)

  18. Thanks! Happy Cat Mom's Day to you, too, Barbarella!

  19. Another good point! My boys aren't picky either... thank goodness!

  20. Yes! We love that reason, too! Moo does like to talk a lot... but it's all very sweet. ;)

  21. Diane @ To Dog With LoveMay 8, 2011 at 11:02 AM

    And they're always happy to see you... No matter how long you are gone! Are kitties like that too? Happy moms day! Love your post!
    Diane and Cosmo

  22. Yup, they definitely are! Pimp and Moo greet me at the front door when I get home, just like dogs! ;)

  23. This is so true!!!! If I'd known cats were this great, I'd have started out with them sooner!!!!!

  24. And we still have all the mom stuff, picking up after them, making sure they eat well, cleaning up when they get sick, taking them to the doctor's, breaking up fights. And just like with kids, I can't go to the bathroom by myself.

  25. Haha! SO true about the bathroom!

  26. Happy Mothers Day! Momster loves having us as her kitties. She also loves the fun Daily Cute brings to her life!

  27. The publicist and male person would argue the bed comment. With all four of the Farm cats in bed with them there is not much room for humans

  28. This makes my day! Thanks!! :) Happy Mother's Day to all the animal mom's out there!

  29. Morgan the Pirate GatoMay 8, 2011 at 6:40 PM

    You need to have a Morgan & Amigo - I wish it was this easy! LOL!

  30. i'm going to be a catmom when i grow up (only 13) Oh, and happy mom's day!

  31. I'm a doggie mommy. Her name is Ms.Fluffy Bottom. lol.

  32. Well said! I love my kitty babies... they are my children and I would do anything for them!

  33. Happy Mother's Day to a Super Lady!

  34. Maybe I simplified it a little bit... Moo is a menace! Hehe.

  35. Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  36. I suppose you may be right... There's a numbers issue with that one. ;)

  37. Happy Cat Moms Day to your Momster, too!

  38. thanks.
    proud mom of 3 absolutely gorgeous kittys

  39. This will be me but I will be a cat dad! =). I love cats and I love the entire cat family!!!! <3


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