Aug 27, 2011

Pictures of Kittens!

I'm at BlogPaws this weekend and there are SO MANY cute animals here! Doggies, kitties, ferrets, a guinea pig!

I have been trying to take pictures with every single one, but it's a tough goal. That's a lot of pictures!

Here are a few sneak peeks... Robin from Covered in Cat Hair just got some rescue kitties in from Georgia and I got to cuddle with them all! Babies! (More on them in a later post - we had a little drama. Meantime, cute pictures!

This is Truffles. Cutie!

And this is periwinkle!

And periwinkle again. She was SUCH a love.

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  1. Awwwwdorable, awwwwll of them!!!

  2. I can't wait to go next year! Missing too much fun, but I am really happy I can see what is going on via the net. 

  3. Ah, you're so lucky to get to snuggle with the bebbehs!

  4. Great pics! No matter where you go, it's always better when there are kitties around!!!!

  5. Awww I want them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Precious babies!!
    So glad they made it to VA and Robin. Looking forward to lots of photos from everyone :-)

  7. That little grey darling will forever have a special place in my heart!

  8. I love her! And the ear floof... <3

  9. You'll have to fight off 400 pet lovers here for them! Hehe.

  10. Yes! When someone said there were bebbehs, I bee-lined right for them!

  11. It's always a blast! I'm sure there will be TONS of pictures. I have a bunch more coming! ;)

  12. The gray one reminds me of Cody!! You look adorable in those photos! Did you see who is behind you in two of them? lol!!

  13. Periwinkle reminds me of a sweet little kitty from a nearby apartment.  The only difference was some white socks.  They're both so cute!

  14. They are very cute but I think you will be in trouble when Pimp and Moo start sniffing you.....


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