Aug 16, 2011

Two Cats Tuesday: Black and White Moo in Black and White

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Today Moo wants to show you his latest round of supermodel glamour shots. He is a very handsome kitty, and he loves to take very handsome pictures.

We were lying around the other day when he decided he was going to start looking especially photogenic. Usually when he does this, he's over it by the time I grab the camera or my phone, but this day I got lucky!

Seriously. That cat has it. I'm not even sure what "it" is, but Moo has it. The second one is my personal favorite. How about you?


  1. The publicist likes the third one

  2. I like his Zoolander pose in the 3rd one :)   

  3. My goodness, is he a hot dude, or what??  These pictures look like he spent hours in a kitty photo studio - Seriously - the quality and sexiness is incredible!!  My favorite by far is #3 with his in-your-face "come hither" look.  I think that "I'm too sexy for my collar, I'm too sexy for my toys" song should be playing on this post.  He is GORGEOUS beyond words!  Keep that camera handy - this little guy could financially support you with commercial royalties!!  Morris, move over, Pimp is HERE!!!

  4. Moo DEFINITELY has "IT!" the third one is my fave...he has a look like "YOU lookin' at ME?"

  5. Classic Moo, like a moo vie star from the 40s!!

  6. mOOOOOve over all you wanna be models, Moo is in the house!!! Great photo shoot sweet Moo!!!

  7. Whoa ~ stunning shots!  I like 2 & 4,  Excellent!

  8. Yes, indeed, Moo definitively has it!

  9. Pic 3 is my fav, where he is looking deep into my eyes!! 
    Why does he wear a collar, does he go outside? 

  10. Both Moo and Pimp wear collars, and always have. They never go outside and I don't let them (and in our new place right now we're on the 5th floor, so there's almost no way anyway!), but I feel better with them having collars and ID tags. When I was growing up, we lost two cats who did go outside, so I'm just extra super careful and do everything I can to make sure that just in case something happened, they'd get back to me. :) Moo is microchipped, too. 

    Plus, the collars just give me an excuse to accessorize them for the seasons and change up their "outfits." It's almost time for new ones again!

  11. I like them all but my fave is the third one because Moo is showing us his catitude.  MOL!!!

  12. Ooh yes I love number 3, he's a star and he knows it!

  13. Oh, yes, #2 is fantastic!!! Moo has so much of 'it' that it's oozing off the screen!

  14. Lookin' good,  Moo! My Mommeh thinks cow kitties are extra-photogenic. 

  15. Moo is especially cute.  I noticed the date on the pics.  Is that really Aug. 81?  Do you still have Moo or do you just write about him?  Certainly handsome.

  16. I used the Hipstamatic iPhone app to take these pictures, and for some reason that's just the date on the frame of the film. I guess because it's supposed to look old? Moo is here with me right now, and is my cuddlebug! He's going to be 4 on Halloween. My little devil. ;)

  17. Hope his"it" didn't make a mess of your desk! Hehe.


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