Sep 19, 2011

Cats at Work: An Office of All Kitties!

Imagine what it would look like if cats went to work every day. They'd put on their little bowties and head into the office for a full day of phone calls, meetings, filing papers and water bowl gossip. Maybe they'd sneak away at for a three-niptini lunch every now and then...

This is all completely fantasy, of course. We all know cats wouldn't be caught dead doing actual work! But isn't this a great commercial? I wish I spoke the language to understand what they're saying. Do any of you?


  1. Rumblemum wants to hire this little fella...

  2. "- Hi Philippe !
    - Hi Kitty !
    - The NACAT (NASA) sent the first Castronaut ...

    At Bouygues Telecom we know you like when we answer quickly to the phone, and that we fix your problem in a flash. We know you like to be adviced in your choice of "Box" (a modem) and smartphones. We know you like to watch HD TV. We know you like to call anywhere in France and across the world. Because we all know all this, we are close to 9200 to advence with you every day. And because at Bouygues Telecom we know that you love Internet movies with little kitties, we decided to make this movie on the internet, with little kitties. - Here we go for the meeting.Bouygues telecom, doing more for you."Sorry, my english is not as good as my french. ;)

  3. Thank you so much, Isabelle! I love the translation! Now it all makes purrfect sense! :) 

  4. Cutest thing I have ever seen!

  5. That's where I want to work. I would spend all my monies in that vending machine!

  6. CatLadyDiarydot TumblrdotcomSeptember 19, 2011 at 8:38 PM

    I'd hire them based on the kittens alone, I don't even care what they do.

  7. Bravo Isabelle!!  I tried Google translator and it didn't work! So thank you!  This is just too cute!! They're all so adorable!!

  8. It's always the little things. Of course I love the junk food dispenser filled with fish but my favorite is the cat at the desk with the computer. I just love his mouse!

  9. Okay, so they can do office work, but they can't drive for crap!  I'd love to trade some of my co-workers for those cats these days.

  10. awesome Isabelle.... I wish my French was half as good as your English!   Thanks!


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