Sep 13, 2011

Two Cats Tuesday: Pimp's Bald Spot

Happy Two Cats Tuesday, Cuteheads! Pimp has a bald spot that he wants to show off. He's kind of proud of it, and I'm proud of him for getting it!

He didn't get it from being old or losing his fur -- he got it from getting his teeth cleaned like a good boy!

They had to shave my arm to make me sleepy.

See, to clean his teeth they had to knock him out. Kitties don't like people messing with their mouths, and they especially don't like it at the vets.

So he had a little bit of his arm shaved so they could give him the good drugs. I didn't know they were going to do that (it was his first time at the kitty dentist!), so I was kind of surprised when I picked him up. My poor little man's arm looked so boney!

But it doesn't bother him at all and I don't think he's the least bit self conscious about it. I mean, just look how he shows it off!

This bald spot means I have pretty teeth!

If any of you haven't ever gotten your cat's teeth cleaned, I highly recommend it. It keeps they healthy (they can get infections and get really sick!) and their breath is WAY better after. Trust me. Pimpy had a little bit of bad breath but now it's all gone!

Totally unrelated but a little bit related: Don't forget I'm one of the judges for Greenies "Show Us Your Pet's Healthy Smile" contest! I get to help pick the winner (hint, hint!), so go enter your doggies and kitties pictures at the contest page!


  1. Good for you, Pimp!!! You should smile and show all the other cats what it is to go to the kitty dentist!!!

  2. That's right, just like humans, cats and dogs need their teeth cleaned.  If you train your kitten early, you can actually brush their teeth but with special toothpaste.  Never, never use people toothpaste!

  3. Grayball had one of those not too long ago too. Kudos to you for being a good boy Pimp!!

  4. Loki just went to the dentist and had to have 3 teeth pulled. She is so much happier and more playful now - animal dental care is really important.

  5. You know how important this post is to me - you could end up like me (toothlessl) if you don't get your teeth cleaned.  You could end up with Stomotitis, which is what happened to me.  All is well now that I'm toothless, but M will tell you it's not the way to go.

  6. Our vet thinks our Merlin is too old to go under a general anesthesia anymore for cleaning but he loves Greenies.

  7. That is such a good bald spot on your leg Pimp. You have every right to be so proud. We are also glad you have such nice clean teeth. Good job. 

  8. CatLadyDiarydot TumblrdotcomSeptember 13, 2011 at 2:31 PM

    Good are just so darn cute!

  9. It's hard to know if a cat has a bad tooth or a cavity because they hide it so well. But I can tell you, it sure causes them pain! Having their teeth cleaned helps to see if there are bad teeth in there that need to be removed. It's very important for your little friend's health!

  10. Out here in California we have someone who will come to you with a mobile dental cleaning service where they do not use anesthesia!  I have used their services and is great for elderly cats or those with health problems.  Unfortunately right now there is a bill to ban this kind of service.  We are writing letters to support the mobile service.

  11. Teodor Katbluskee goes in in two weeks for a cleaning. New kitten Olive will be learning the art of toothbrushing since 4 kitties are getting $$$ at the vet dentist! Pippee Long Tail is pretty old and lost two molars last time, so we're hoping she doesn't have to have them cleaned anymore!

  12. Excellent choice Pimp!  Such a very good boy to undergo such a traumatic experience but you have beautiful pearly whites now and fresh cat breath.  Greenies help too!  How about Moo?  Has he had his done too?  I bet he has.....

  13. I have a glorious black & white boy like Moo & his sister (Tess) also. They were Foster babies, but this boy became so strongly bonded to me my husband kept saying - "We must keep this boy, it would break his heart if you sent him to another home." His little sister Tess was very timid; another reason to keep her big brother Tasman with her (the timid ones do not get homes, do they?)
    So, they are 2 of the 6 we now have!! Seeing Pimp's little bald patch reminds me our mob should all have teeth cleaned - I will have to take another Mortgage out on our house!! I worry that they do not have the dental checks they should have. Pimp & Moo are two of the most gorgeous cats, I wonder why the black/white boys are so particularly affectionate & cuddly?


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