Oct 27, 2011

Camouflage Cat

La la la... I'm just a kitty walking through the yard. Lovely day out today. The birds are chirping, the sky is blue, the grass is -- WHAT THE?! What in the world? Where did that cat come from?

I love how the cat just walks away like, "OK, um, that never happened. I'll just walk away slowly now."

Note from Cute: SO excited! This year's Santa Paws Drive officially starts taking donations on Tuesday, November 1. It's like Toys for Tots, but for animals! I started it three years ago with some bloggie buddies, and we hope this year is better than ever! You can read more at SantaPawsDrive.com.

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  1. ha ha hahah   that made me laugh  out loud for real.   not just a smile  ;-)

  2. funny!! the other cat sort of looked like: how did I get roped into this thing??

  3. Silly kitties! Grass is for EATING!

  4. That person's grass look like mine. Wonder why the one cat was covered in grass. But it was funny when the other cat realized that is was a cat. Too funny.

  5. He must have crawled out of the mower bag.


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