Oct 24, 2011

The Most Popular Cute Ever

Just for fun, I took a look back at the things that have gotten the most views in the past 3+ years that I've been doing this blog and some of the most popular posts were pretty surprising!

This one, for example, about a dog adopting a baby piglet blew away any other page by more than double! That's a lot of cute baby pig lovers!

I have to admit, it is really cute...

There are more pictures of this dog and her piggy here on the original post.

What do you think? Cutest of all time? I'll share more of the best-of posts as the week goes on.

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  1. I reckon if you posted some Rumblepurr that would be pretty popular *MOL*

  2. You should post like the top 5 or 10 all time favorites, and then have everyone vote on the one they like best, to see which one is the all time favorite, favorite! That would be fun!


You know what would be really cute? If you left a comment... :)

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